Maverick Innovation





2021 – Present

  • Brand positioning
  • Digital Marketing Campaigns
  • Performance Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creative Developments
  • Lead Generation

HCL: Empowering Business Transformation Through Digital Innovation

HCL Chooses Maverick: A Dynamic Partnership for Amplifying Digital Innovation and boosting the content to get the brand’s visibility in different geographies.


HCL chose Maverick Global to communicate with its audience through digital media.

Together, HCL and Maverick embarked on a journey to not only showcase digital solutions but to inspire conversations about the transformative power of technology.

How We Did It?

As HCL and Maverick forged this dynamic alliance, they extended an invitation to businesses, technologists, and forward-thinkers to be part of this transformative narrative. This partnership held the promise of not only elevating business solutions but also steering industries toward a more digitally empowered future.

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